Positively Facing Fears

This, I feel, has been the largest tragedy of humanity.
We are all human, so let’s digress here a bit, shall we?

Fear is contagious, spreading through our world like the largest plague on record. Most problems stem from fear and it’s dominions (judgement, hatred, inferiority-superiority, discrimination, power-seeking, doubt/worry, jealousy, anger, abuse, gossip, lying/sneaking, living by warning/ danger, etc..)

Fears feel real, yet they are nothing more than an illusion within our perception. To understand fear we have to look at the core of our subconscious; collectively and individually.

Individually created are subconscious insecurities, formed from experiences that leave feelings of; abandonment, isolation, loneliness, unloved, inadequacy, not being right by society/ group or family….. etc.

Collectively we live in remnants of a conditioned, puritanical society, one that undermines inner power. This causes suppression, repression and projection while urging agreement with what is taught/ told/ sold without question. Seen through commercial marketing that targets people by making them feel they are lacking without their product.
Or through levels of objectification and sublimation in media, religions, education, sex and class.

Propagating conformity while perpetuating cycles for people to ignore true power residing underneath the exterior.

Most humans are seeking love, appreciation and approval. In this search, people make choices that do not come from a place of authenticity. In line with self-preservation this allows insecurity to modify behavior.

Think of all the times you held back parts of yourself out of worry, doubt and fear of others thoughts or how you would appear?

People care what others think, thus ignoring inner truth worrying how they are appearing.

Paradox within this:

most think that…..

Break free, worry is anti-intention.

Who gives a fuck what anyone but you thinks. If you own you, everything will form around that inner sense.


Conscious Awareness

We all have egos, the question is how to make ego work for, instead of against self?

Go within your depths to unleash your inner power.
Become a warrior/ess cutting through inner demons by facing your facets of shadow and light. Free yourself from the bars of inward insecurity by loving them into oblivion, unearthing your greatest beauty of all; inner truth, love and knowledge of self.

Quantum physics states within our brain synapses are chemicals that surface when we have a certain experience. Essentially we are addicted to similar thoughts and emotions.

(1)” We can conclude that consciousness is a quantum mechanical entity that can have an independent existence. It can localize in the human brain when the electron is in a particle state. This provides the necessary quantum mechanical base conducive for it to interact with and function in the brain. When the state changes to that of a wave, consciousness takes flight and starts floating. It takes away with it at least a part of the contents of the memory.”

Think about what you think about, become conscious to yourself and your thought, action and word. Make a consistent effort to speak, feel and visualize your highest state of being into existence. This will shift unhealthy patterns into health and positivity for self.
Feed you and your life with what makes you feel good about who you are. Positively recondition/ repattern what no longer belongs within you.
Rule of thumb, usually the opposite of a negative thought or feeling will shift the pattern, doing what might make you feel uncomfortable.


It takes 21 days for a pattern to change.

Examples of Affirmations:

I am not good enough~ I am amazing
I can’t do it~ I do everything impeccably
I am unloveable~ I love and accept myself completely

When you notice fears come up, delve into and visualize balloons of light surrounding and dissipating them.
Gratitude is an incredible way to shift the state of mind and emotions. Becoming grateful for what is can change your inner state.
If you are feeling negative towards another/ situation/ experience it only causes you pain.
Wrap it in love and light, every time you think about the subject, release it into this vision.
Over time, the negative feelings will disappear.

Regardless of who you are, what you have done, what you think, where you have been, and whatever insecurities are underneath:

You are important, you matter, and your presence on this earth is of great significance, fellow human.



Check out these articles if interested in more:
(1) Quantum Physics
Keeping Track of Personal Progress

6 thoughts on “Positively Facing Fears

  1. Kali-Parvati is a perfect example ❗ At some point sooner or later we are all faced with our I-Self or True Self. It may come as a great shock to realize who we really are. But coming to terms with I-Self is also highly deliberating as it emphasises the power of conscious choice, and teaches us tolerance and forgiving – towards ourselves as well as others πŸ™‚


  2. Definitely, and when facing these parts of self, it is so empowering to come out standing on top of them. Conscious choice seems to become easier when we know ourselves on the deepest levels. I told a good friend recently that peeling away the onion layers doesn’t all happen at once, and the last layers are usually the thickest, and make you cry the most.
    Underneath is the gem, and if we can keep going through self-actualization, we win the game of life, realizing the game of life is only a game πŸ˜‰


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