Kundalini Awakening

“Kundalini is the evolutionary mechanism in man. It is slowly but inexorably leading mankind towards a higher state of consciousness…Kundalini performs no less important a function, not only for the individual but for the whole of the race…It is at work every moment of our lives in building the brain and the nervous system, and it is therefore most necessary for the safety of mankind that some people deeply interested in it arouse this power so that the world might benefit by their experience.”

Kundalini is a life-force of its own intelligence and design. When it becomes awakened it comes with it a great, overwhelming power that clears and re-patterns many systems, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is the internal force in the body to heal itself.

I truly believe that when awakened it naturally starts to re-pattern the DNA. Like Kali, this energy seeks and destroys all that is not in the highest divine alignment of the individual who is awakening. Kundalini allows one to wake up to higher consciousness and potential. It imparts within the ability to look above and beyond, at times superseding duality in our 3d reality.

A radiant, powerful, light-filled energy that is red/orangey/pinkish. When awakened this energy rises up through the channels also known as nadis or meridians, into all the chakras and finally the hypothalamus. Over time filling the entire body with its energy. This awakens and lights up the pineal and pituitary glands while also starting to rewire the whole nervous system.

Kundalini energy sits at the base of the spine like a coiled cobra. It is an inexhaustible life force that has been spoken about in texts from the inception of written word, far beyond any one religion or spiritual practice. Carl Jung and many others have addressed it, referring to it as the superconsciousness.

“The researcher, philosopher-scientist Gopi Krishna, proposes the existence of a region in the human brain, a faculty of supersensory perception normally dormant, which can be awakened to activity by certain practices. Quantum physics has confirmed that the mind of the observer influences what can be observed (see “The Reality Tests,” Seed Magazine, June 4, 2008).

It is the next process within humanity’s evolution.
The energy is said to come from the same energy as our reproductive systems, and when worked properly with another it can build the Kundalini. When working on awakening (enlightenment) it is said to happen through abstaining from sexual contact with another, at first for building it within oneself. This is due to energy rising upward for evolution, downward for reproduction.

“The process of evolution is a continuous one. One cannot say positively at what height man will arrive ultimately, but the next higher stage after human consciousness is a state of higher awareness so extraordinary and blissful that the recipient of this grace is lost in wonder when he or she attains to it. What do you call that consciousness? We can call it superconsciousness, the Turiya state, Nirvana, or even a divine consciousness.”

“Both genius and illumination are the outcome of the activity of Kundalini. When this mighty force enters the conscious centre the individual is then not only illumined but also possesses genius.”

“All spring from the evolutionary impulse in the human body…The goal of all religions is certainly one, and that is to have a higher state of consciousness”

“Great ideas come through individuals, and they can change the world. But an individual is also the product of a group. We lack in great prophets in this age because the society is allotting the place of honour to material progress.”

“The condition of society is the greatest impetus in the production of religious (Kundalini) geniuses. The present world lacks in something that is favourable to the growth of individuals of vision.”

Awakened individuals are like sparks in the collective consciouness, spurring awakening in others. As we are moving into higher brain cognition as a race, we integrate our neo-mammalian brain structure with the awakening of our hypothalamus.
As we all awaken more, it will create a structure for us to move beyond mammalian tendencies. Thus it will raise the consciousness of the lower brain functions to more wholly serve our earth and race.

The energy, when worked upward, is completely mind-blowing. There are many ways to facilitate it. My journey consisted of a 6 year process from recognizing it, to full awakening, to the repatterning of my nervous system. Which has not been the smoothest process.

I could feel my Kundalini the first time when I was 23. Ignoring it for a few of years, I felt it awaken subtly in New Mexico. This consisted of my shadowy patterns surfacing and my lower back was constantly in pain.

From there I resided for a bit in the powerful lands of Hawaii, of the smoldering and alchemical volcanos, metaphorical for the process I was in. I underwent a semi-awakening, that stopped at my throat. Then, a couple of weeks later my Kundalini became fully awakened. This rising happened while I was driving around the big island.

I was consciously breathing deeply when everything went white. Blinded, I had to pull over. My limbs were completely numb with an intense buzzing feeling. I felt the flow travel up into my head, like a circuit as though it went up and out of me.

There was a lapse in time of 20-30 minutes while the powerful and intense energy worked through me. It was blissful, yet overwhelming, like an electrical current running through me. My mind was in an intense hyper-conscious mode, which included incidences with a friend afterwards where all the electricity went out talking about the experience, twice.

It takes a couple of months up to 12 years for a Kundalini awakening to come to full fruition. I still go through rewiring from time to time it comes in waves. My experience with it is not one of a completely disciplined spiritual/monastic life, as what is suggested. At times it has caused mishap when I go too far out of balance.

The purity of everything lends itself to me, I’ve noticed that which is not of my purest source falls away from my life. As it works through me, the intelligence of it wants to experience the life I lead. Through my range of emotions, while building enjoyment, enlightenment, happiness, while creatively expressing through me with music, writing, dance and interaction. A balanced existence of the feminine force of physical with the masculine non-physical.

The ultimate alchemy.

It’s now easier for me to bring the energy up on command and go into the place of whiteness (samadhi), which feels like orgasmic bliss throughout my whole being when I reach it.

I could go on this topic post after post, but instead I’ll let you be guided to your own process and research within it. Below is a breathing practice for you if you’d like, as well as articles I highly suggest.

How is your Kundalini?



Kundalini Breathing

I will give you the breathing exercise, one of the many out there that works for me to get in touch with Kundalini
It consists of visualizing on a deep inhale in your abdomen filling up with light. Either white or the pinkish orange I addressed. On every inhale picture the energy filling with light and on the exhale visualize it starting to rise in two channels like a double helix or figure 8’s through every chakra. Do it slowly as you visualize the energy rising up into your hypothalamus where the energy pours into your Pineal gland. It then pushes upward out of your Crown Chakra Pouring back down the “front channels” up and down the legs and then back again into the “coiled snake”. You can practice this continuously and is a great way to get in touch with your Kundalini.
Hatha Yoga is a gradual way to build it, while Kundalini Yoga builds it much quicker.
The articles below I highly suggest reading if you are interested in more information.

UPDATE as of 2016:

I have found it tremendously difficult releasing some internal blocks and I was recreating unhealthy patterns, which is obviously a part of awakening. Especially in a society that does not promote the type of cultivation and encouragement needed for Kundalini’s awakening process. It has been a challenge at times remembering the power of it and to move beyond what my ego wants into remembering my soul purpose and path. I found instead trying to numb the intensity to fit into a mold that isn’t authentically me, in a world of status quo. Of course, time always allows the energy to transcend any blocks mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and even I think genetically. Like I said, it hasn’t been the smoothest process, yet I feel so much more aligned with who I am; shadows and light, so as to bring my awareness to its highest state to unlock hidden potential, within myself and others.


I gave part 1 of this article in the last post, which is where quotes above were taken from:



Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Info on Chakras:

Raging Chakras

More Breathing exercises:
