Fluid to Make Waves


And the water was where I was standing, in a river where two diverging paths became one. Bubbling and flowing around me, I let go of everything I was holding onto into this healing place and a peace enfolded me.
I was reminded that many paths lead to the source, whatever that Source may be, separate paths converge to diverge again, naturally.
After being so much like air and earth lately, I am reminded to become more fluid again like this powerful flowing river.

I fill myself with the essence of what is the surrounding environment. The trees and plants nourished by the water that flows fluidly, moving over the rocks and earth that become eroded by continual movement. The wood, trees and plants providing home and food for the animals and insects to survive upon. My totem hawk flying above representing my free spirit, in the air that gives breath to life, with the fiery Sun beaming down.

All elements are needed to sustain an ecosystem. As a small piece of the whole, becoming one with the environment, whatever it may be, brings clarity and purity.

As I’m meditating in the tranquility, I remember that becoming like water means letting go of attachment to desires, wants, needs, possibilities and outcomes to allow the flow to lead me where I’m meant to go. Flowing around obstacles fluidly creates peace of mind. Rather than resisting or turning away, which feeds energy to what’s not working, I choose to see life for how it exists right now.

Going through my Saturn return over the past year and a half have been what I would call a shift in the way I perceive my outer world. Rather than “trying” , which is a futile term, to manifest all of my separate visions and dreams into existence, I am learning to create by simply being.
My inner world has been fortified with truth, which becomes fluid as I evolve more fully into the potential that exists. I realize with new inward learning that it’s not about my belief in my dreams and goals or the outer reality, it’s my belief in myself.

I fully believe in me.

A deep truth, overlaid by the deeper truth derived from all the inner work I’ve done over the years. One that is unshakeable in its very core.

That truth is

I accept and love what is, life, living, being…….

Like the many states of water, I may continually shift, evolve and change, yet, my essence will always remain the same. Understood by the outer world or not. No thing, no one, no experience will ever shake it, it’s found outside all ego attachment and identity defined through outer means. It is a presence within that is continually unfolding like a lotus blossoming. As this never-ending flower of self unfurls gorgeous petals, I reinforce my truth …

I love my life, it’s perfect right now and continually blows my mind with organic beauty that is a flow. Exploring this creation I have…. being, here, now, continuously with gratitude for living. The same source of consciousness that resides in me resides in everything.



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2 thoughts on “Fluid to Make Waves

  1. Bruce Lee has many insightful quotes. I have one now at my place of work that reads “Knowing is not enough, you must apply; willing is not enough, you must do.” It seems relevant to me now as I dig deeper into myself and learn, that I need to heed this advice, as we all do at some point. I would also like to comment on “believing”, as it has come to me recently that one of the requirements we have is to believe in our selves and our potential as transcendant beings capable of amazing things through living in the present and with the help of meditation. This idea, may go hand in hand with our “will”. Matthew


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