10 Best Natural Antibiotics

Antibiotics ie. Anti-Life kill all bacteria, healthy and unhealthy. When one is uninformed of the adverse effects of antibiotics, it can lead to autoimmune disorders through the eradication of healthy flora (bacteria) in the digestive track and other areas of the body.

If you’re prescribed antibiotics it’s important to ingest sources of probiotics afterwards. Including ones you can buy in capsule form or eating foods like Yogurt, Kefir, fermented veggies ie. Kim Chee, Sauerkraut, or drinking Kombucha, or Raw Apple Cider vinegar.

Our bodies are meant to heal themselves and when out of balance or deficient it makes it difficult. In order for the whole to heal, homeostasis is imperative. Over the years the information I’ve come across leads right back to the digestive track if not in good health, disease is the result.

Here are some natural antibiotics that may already be found in your kitchen.


Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE):

A study from The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that “grapefruit-seed extract was effective in killing over “800 bacterial and viral strains, 100 strains of fungus, and a large number of single and multi-celled parasites.”² No other naturally-occuring anti-microbial can come close to these results.”
Grapefruit seed extract is a natural antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-viral. With an amazing array of antioxidant properties which neutralize free radicals. GSE helps the body to defend itself through proper immune function, while alkilizing naturally. It inhibits the growth of Candida, Giardia and other harmful intestinal issues and keeps healthy Flora intact.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):

Taken once or twice a day as a shot, it’s one of my all time favorites as a cure-all. The benefits range from antiseptic, antibiotic, weight loss, arthritis, cholesterol, skin disorders, sinuses, anti-aging and much more.
 ACV is a great detox for the body and can also be used as an astringent topically.


The healing properties of honey are numerous, the best source of honey is raw and Manuka Honey from New Zealand is said to have the strongest curative properties. It’s suggested that honey has antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action against certain spectrums of bacteria and fungi. Topically applied, honey releases H2O2, evidence shows that most strains of harmful bacteria die in the presence of oxygen or hydrogen peroxide.

Raw Garlic:

When crushed or chewed raw garlic has a property called allicin which has high amounts of anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Garlic helps with a myriad of diseases and assists in colds and flu, it can be applied topically as well. Along with the family of onions it’s used as a cancer preventative.

Colloidal Silver:

“Colloidal silver has been recognised as a powerful, natural antibiotic. Research has shown that it works by acting as a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that single-celled bacteria, fungi and viruses require for the metabolism of oxygen. This then suffocates the invading cell whilst doing no harm to any human enzymes, resulting in the removal of disease-causing organisms from the body.”
Colloidal silver dates back centuries with a long history for its healing benefits. It’s reported to heal many infections and used as a natural antibiotic and defense for the body.

Pau D’arco:

Pau D’arco comes from the inner bark of trees from South America. This bark is said to be an antioxidant, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral. It is effective in healing Candida and different bacterial strains including staph and strep. Easily brewed in a tea form it also helps the body ward off colds and the flu.

Olive Leaf:

A unique plant with multi-faceted applications. Olive leaf is therapeutic towards many common ailments. Many scientific studies have been conducted investigating the extract’s properties against virus, retrovirus, bacterium and protozoan. “Research suggests that olive leaf may be a true anti-viral compound because it appears to selectively block an entire virus-specific system in the infected host.” Amongst others, some benefits of olive leaf are; supporting the immune system, energy production, healthy blood circulation and cardiovascular.

Turmeric & Cayenne:

Two personal favorites of the spice cabinet. Cayenne’s health benefits are numerous, it works as an anti-fungal, antiviral and alleviates allergies. It assists in carrying toxins out of the system. This little red pepper increases metabolism, helps fight disease, benefits the circulatory system, blood pressure and prevents heart disease.
Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial, it also assists with allergies, the liver and metabolism. 
The property curcumin found in Turmeric boosts and aids many regulations within the body.
Sprinkle each in your favorite dishes.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil:

An antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-fungal. It contains Caprylic and Lauric acids that help the body ward off bacterial and viral infections. It assists in maintaining cholesterol levels, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism it also aids in thyroid production. Take one TBLSN daily in tea or coffee or by itself. It can also be used as a moisturizer.

An amazing article on the benefits of Coconut Oil for hair loss: hairlossrevolution.com

Oil of Oregano:

Separate from the spice Oregano, Oil of Oregano dates back centuries as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic that effectively wards off infections. It helps with colds and sore throats, digestive problems, topical infections amongst many other uses.

I’ll go into more detail on the healing properties of essential oils through the olfactory glands in a separate post.

: )

For now, how’s your immune function?



Daily Habits

I have always been fascinated with herbs, natural medicine, and alternative healing modalities.
As a child I had a 1000 page book of natural remedies that I would rifle through,already drawn to my passion.
At 25, I had tipped the scales with my diet, I was an unhealthy health nut. I desired health but kept polluting my body with unhealthy eating patterns, thought patterns and habits.It was time for me to balance that out, a process that took almost 3 years taking me all over the country, while meeting amazing and informative people.
Being a creature of habit, it has taken for me to switch my bad habits to ones that encourage my health and well-being, for the most part.
I have learned how to nurture my temple, by listening to my body’s desires and taking care of my whole. It has resulted in my feeling more energized, healthier and happier, consistently. I believe that nurturing the physical is one step in a healing process of an emotional, mental, and spiritual undertaking.

Here is a list of some daily additions that have improved my state of being. I hope these benefit you as they have benefitted me. I will get into more superfoods on a later date.

For informational purposes only, not intended to diagnose or cure.

Sea Salt

Sea Salt is a better alternative to table salt, and one can get Iodized sea salt.
If I am ever tired or foggy headed, sometimes a pinch of sea salt under my tongue perks me up immediately.
If you drink a lot of water it is important to keep mineral balance and adding sea salt to your water and diet will do so.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

An amazing antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-fungal. It contains caprylic and lauric acids that help the body ward off disease, virus and stress.
Assists in maintaining cholesterol levels, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, aiding in thyroid production.
I use 3 Tblspn in my black coffee or tea daily, it helps regulate digestion, and provide more energy.
If ingesting for the first time, I suggest starting off with 1 tlbsn a day and building up to 3. There can be a herxheimer reaction that takes place.
This amazing oil can be used in place of butter when cooking.
I use it on my face and body as my moisturizer, I like it much more than a store-bought moisturizer.
Coconut water and Milk are extremely beneficial to the body as well.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

My cure-all. The benefits range from weight loss, arthritis, cholesterol, skin disorders, sinuses, anti-aging and MANY more.
Transforming my health in numerous ways, it is a great detox for the body.
If purchased, make sure it is RAW, it is important that “the mother” probiotics are present.
Can be used in dressings and taken internally 1-3 times a day. It can also be used as an astringent, leaving clearer skin and a more pronounced glow.


An amazing anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral.  Contains vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes and naturally rich in polysaccharides. Cooling and healing for the stomach and intestines, taken internally can clear up many issues of poor digestion. Lubricates joints, brain and skin, while supporting immune system in fighting infections.
I take it with a bit of squeezed lemon juice 30 minutes before eating or as an addition to power smoothies.


Chlorella, Spirulina and Blue Green algae have numerous benefits, I like to think of them as brain foods.
Cyanobacteria is the oldest living form on this planet, one of the most nutrient dense sources that contains minerals, vitamins, probiotics and enzymes, B12, chlorophyll and is an excellent way to get most of our daily uptake of nutrients.
Chlorella is an immune system booster, aiding in treating many symptoms, assists in chelation process of removing heavy metals from the body.
Spirulina is a freshwater algae that contains vitamins, minerals and high protein.

 Cayenne Pepper

The health benefits are numerous. It is an antifungal and alleviates allergies while assisting in carrying toxins out of the system. This little red pepper increases metabolism, helps fight disease, benefits the circulatory system, blood pressure and prevents heart disease.
I sprinkle some in my Apple Cider Vinegar daily and use it in most of my cooking.
Another cure-all I can’t go without.


A natural antiseptic and antibacterial, and useful as a disinfectant.
Can assist with allergies, liver and metabolism.
The property curcumin found in Turmeric boosts and aids many regulations within the body. Black pepper helps the absorption.
Take 1 tspn a day.


Used as a spice as well as medicine. It helps with digestion, lowering cholesterol, fights cancer, brain tonic, and many other useful benefits. I use in my coffee and anything that calls for sweetness.

Here is a website that has helped me immensely, it gives testimonials on what I have presented.
Just scratching the surface, I will be getting into more remedies and supplements further on.

