10 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

Everything in our universe vibrates at a certain frequency, matter is energy and energy is constantly oscillating. We perceive reality with our senses, which sense the harmonics of these vibrations and resonate at certain frequencies and so does everything.

On the simplest level negative thoughts, actions, words and deeds have lower frequencies while positive ones are higher. This is the duality of our existence that creates a universal balance in our experience on this plane as conscious human beings, able to experience matter in physical form.

What we think, say and feel attract the harmonics of a similar vibration, a pattern that is like a magnet to a pattern of a similar nature. Like attracts like. We are superconductors of consciousness evolving at a rapid pace every day. Our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual selves all resonate at certain frequencies.

I notice when my vibration is higher, more elevated experiences are attracted my way and when I’m at a lower vibration I experience more resistance with manifesting what I truly desire and deriving the joy of a higher vibratory nature.

Sometimes we may not even be aware that we attracted an experience to us because it is a lodged subconscious vibration, that is where awareness of self and self-actualization come into play. Taking ownership of your experience creates liberation. Awareness then allows you to change any pattern if you so desire, to create a reality that is truly what you wish for.

That being said, we can consciously raise our vibrations to attract higher vibrational experiences in alignment with our highest state of being. Our soul’s purpose is to experience this life at our fullest expression, however that may mean to each of us individually.

Found on raiseyourvibration.com

Below are some ways to Raise your Vibration:

By focusing on what is working in your life and conjuring up appreciation your mind and being will naturally create a magnet to more thoughts and experiences of what you appreciate. Figuratively, wearing rose-colored glasses for 1 minute or more will help you to see the beauty of what is here and now. Write a list of everything you are grateful for, create a gratitude jar and put little gratitudes in there daily and see what happens after a month.

Our bodies are composed of 90% water. Water has a consciousness of it’s own, like blood, it responds to our thoughts. I always give love to water before I drink it, so that it carries a vibration of love and healing for my body. I recently read an article stating that water is older than our planet, which is quite fascinating if you think about where it comes from. Going in the ocean or lake, or even a bath can raise your vibration.

Dancing and Laughing
One of our most primal instincts dating back to the beginning of our species, dancing is not only good exercise, but integrating simultaneous movement with sound is a way to be with the moment. A guru I used to see said that by dancing we release our karma from our beings. Laughing is the best medicine, and can transform a situation or mindset.

Breath is life, it is our consciousness, the air we breathe is what keeps us going. Yoga is the practice of breath in many forms, it incorporates breath work like Pranayama, breath of fire or similar. You can also do simple box breathing which is inhaling for 5 seconds and hold for 5 seconds, exhale 5 seconds and hold for 5 seconds and repeat 5-10 times. Or simply take deep inhales and exhales until you feel a shift in yourself.

I think this is one of the most important things that has slipped through the cracks of our current society. The importance of living, vibrating foods had been known since the dawn of our times yet with industrialization we’ve let that knowledge burn on the back burner which has left us with more processed, dead foods that do not nourish our beings the way we need to have higher vibrations. Any raw fruit, vegetable or seed is super juicy way to get higher vibes.

Sound Harmonics
Whether it’s music that is uplifting or binaural beats that help synchronize your brain to different waves, sound is a vibration and different sounds have different frequencies. Listen to something that has a powerful or positive message, or is happy or guided meditations. At the end of this article is a video that shows, incredibly, how sand forms geometic patterns to different HZ’s, sound is healing to the body and I’ll address that more in a separate post.

Touching the earth, sand, grass and being in nature creates ions that are healing and protecting to the body. Touching the earth for 20 minutes or longer with bare feet or hands connects the electromagnetic energy of the earth to the body and creates a circuit that helps the vibrations of earth enter the body most easily. Since our physical bodies come from this earth and go back to it, I think of it like returning to inner nature when out in nature.

The scent glands have a huge play in how we feel and what we’re experiencing, our sense of smell can unwillingly create comfort or discomfort. Essential oils have different properties and create varying effects in our brain and our experience. I will go into more detail about this in a separate post, but for now try using lavender, frankincense or lemon oil to raise your vibration. Or light a beautifully scented candle, or burn sage or Palo Santo and see how you feel afterwards.

I was watching an episode of Ancient Aliens last night, they were theorizing that crystals have encoded information from the star nations in them. These super conductors, used in computers and watches also have a profound effect on us as well. Holding them, or having them in your home can help you vibrate at a higher frequency. You can also put your intentions into crystals and see how those manifestations come about.

The simplest way in my opinion to raise the vibration. Feel love, really feel the expansive, gooey, warm, blissful feeling the heart is capable of giving. Feel it for your significant other, family, friends, for your self, those who love you, expand it into your field, into your home, work and life. Bring the heart to everything you do and see how your life is carried along the waves of love.

Try these out, see what your experience is and the effects afterwards. My hope is that your vibration is raised in some form or another and you are able to experience the bliss of purposeful conscious awareness of right now, as it is.

How is your vibration?


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2 thoughts on “10 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

  1. You will also need to be careful with citrus fruit because they have a lot of citric acid in them.
    All of the parts are easily removed and are made of an easy-to-clean material.
    Fruits with high amount of citric acid should be consumed in moderation.


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